Friday, January 29, 2010

Another Politician That Gets It

The Daily Press - Ashland, WI > News > Political newcomer Sean Duffy eager to battle Dave Obey
"There are several messages," he said. "First off, we need to bring fiscal sanity and responsibility back to Washington," he said. "We have a debt that is $12 trillion. We had a deficit last year of $1.4 trillion. This year we are looking at $1.3 trillion. We are mortgaging our children's future; we need to balance our budget. We can't keep spending, there are dire consequences for our children."

Maybe it's just me but looking over the campaign messages of all the candidates that I will have the opportunity to vote for in November the only ones I see with values that most align with Wisconsin are the conservative Republicans.  Perhaps the effects of higher taxes and higher spending for the last however many years are finally catching up to us and people are getting a rude wake up call.

Perhaps people are just tired of the arrogance of the Democratic party.  In the 2008 election cycle I worked with people in Wisconsin's 8th congressional district and came across quite a few videos of Rep. Kagen's arrogance and disregard for the voters.  Working in the 7th congressional district I see the same thing with Obey.

I don't know about you but I think that the person who signs the check would ultimately be responsible for how the money is spent.  The easiest way to prevent the administration from making poor spending choices: DON'T GIVE THEM THE MONEY IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU IDIOT!

People - Grow Up!

Chris Matthews "Forgot He Was Black" Comment Sets Internet Ablaze [VIDEO]
Despite posts to the contrary, Matthews was not seeking to make a racially derogatory comment in any respect, but perhaps he should have chosen his words more carefully. Later on in his ruminations, he himself goes on to say: “It’s so hard to even talk about; maybe I shouldn’t talk about it, but I am. I thought it was profound, that way.”
Here we go - another media circus about another reference to skin color.  When the $%^& are people going to grow up and stop making such a big deal over these things?  If we keep making a big deal about racist remarks then racism will never go away!  Besides, should we as adults be mature enough to not let the opinions and remarks of other people affect our emotions?

I think that anyone who wants to make a big deal about someone making a remark about a person's skin color is immature, unreasonable, and unwilling to let go of the past where the real racism was.  As a political blogger I'm used to having people say and write some very mean things about me.  I don't let it bother me - I sure don't lose any sleep over it.

Face it people - as far as mature responsible adults go the race card is a dead card.  God created us all equally and we all bleed red so if someone makes a remark you don't like you ignore them like any other mature adult would do.  In fact, when I watched the following video I simply laughed and clicked on to the next one - if though our President is making anti-white statement after anti-white statement.

I'm sorry but if no one calls President Obama on racist comments than no one else should be called out for them either. I thought we all wanted equal treatment for all in this country, not special treatment for some and worse treatment for others.

Mielke Having Hard Time Selling Voters

It appears that, at least according to campaign finance reports, that Daniel Mielke is having a difficult time selling his story to the voters.  In the summary report from the FEC it is stated that Mielke has total receipts of $366,863 with $332,750 of that total amount coming from his personal contributions.

Mielke so far as had to contribute 90.7% of his total campaign funds while only raising 9.1% from individual voters and less than 1% from the party committees.  For those that don't know the Republican Party will fund candidates that it believes has a strong chance to beat a Democrat incumbent.

Looking at these hard numbers really paints an interesting story.  First, it says that Mielke's story is not resonating with the voters.  Second, it shows that Mielke is almost completely self-funding his campaign.  Finally it shows that he does not have the ability to raise funds to generate needed cash to kick up the campaign in high gear to challenge Obey.

Sean Duffy, on the other hand, has raised 99.8% of his total cash from individual contributions.  Digging deeper we see that Duffy raised an average of $850.43 from each of the 164 individuals who contributed to his campaign.  People don't spend that much money on something they don't believe in.

In comparison Mielke was only able to garner contributions from 30 people for an average of $1,112.37 per contributor.  Not only does Duffy gather more individual contributors than Mielke but the average is also lower.  This says, at least to me, that Duffy is gaining more traction with middle class and lower middle class working people than affluent citizens like the crowd Mielke solicits from.

A History of Failure

Since 2004 Dan Mielke has not won a single election.  In my research I have come across hard evidence concerning three different elections that Dan Mielke has participated in and soft evidence (a news piece at Fox News) for the Town of Linwood (population roughly 1,000).

Dan Mielke has lost all four elections.  This guy has been told by the people on four separate occasions that they don't want him.  Let me explain...

In 2004 Dan Mielke ran for Wisconsin's State Assembly District 70 against Vruwink (Democrat).  The results of that election as reported in the 2005 Wisconsin Blue Book were 18,120 for Vruwink and 10,622 for Mielke.  In percentage terms, Mielke only got 36.95% of the vote.

In 2006 Mielke ran for the Portage County Executive, a position that he claimed he was instrumental in creating, on a write-in campaign.  A write-in campaign!  Meaning that Mr. Mielke couldn't be bothered to qualify for the ballot any other way.  Needless to say he lost, only gaining 21% of the vote.

In 2008 Mielke ran for Congress against Dave Obey, a long time incumbent and well entrenched Democrat.  I would say it was a case of David vs. Goliath, only with David being a mosquito and Goliath winning single-handedly.  Mielke only gained 39% of the vote in that election.

Mielke's average for these three elections was 32% of the vote.  No matter how many re-counts you ask for you are not going to win with only 32% of the average vote.  No matter how many times I look at the contenders in this year's Congressional match-up I don't see Mielke going to Washington. 

The guy just doesn't get it - the people don't want him.  They have said so at least 3 times in the last 6 years and one unconfirmed time.  However with Wisconsin's open primary law I feel that some Democrats may vote for Mielke in the primary to give Obey a shoe-in. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Politician That Gets It

Scott Walker is a politician that gets it.  He understands what is important to us and what we need, as a State, to thrive in this new economy.  The tax and spend strategies that have become the hallmark of the Democrats has lead to Wisconsin being one of the worse states to do business in.

In November, let's get Wisconsin back on the right track. I'm urging you to vote for Scott Walker for Governor.

Friday, January 22, 2010

We Wanted Hope... This is What We Got

Cartoon of the Day

Thanks to the Lakeshore Laments blog for this one...

Dan Mielke: Is He or Isn't He a Politician?

It's not small secret that I have Google Alerts setup for all participants in the 7th Congressional District race, including Dan Mielke.  This morning I found this little gem in my alerts folder and I just had to point a few things out.

In the first quote below, Mielke goes on to stress that he's not a politician, he's a concerned voter.  Nothing wrong with that per se but let's look a bit deeper.

Farmer seeks rematch for congressional seat | Superior Telegram | Superior, Wisconsin
“I’m not in this for the politics,” Mielke said. “I’m in this because I am one of those voters and I’m frustrated and … I’m a strong Constitutional supporter and really, the idea behind government elected officials, is that they’re supposed to be of the voting public. They’re not supposed to be some professional that was put in place, and went to school and was trained to be some politician. So I’m kind of the anti-professional politician.”
Now let's take a look at the next quote from this same article.

Farmer seeks rematch for congressional seat | Superior Telegram | Superior, Wisconsin
“I’m more of a tea party, give-us-our-country-back politician I guess you could say,” Mielke said. “I don’t believe in career politicians. They should be doing they’re tour of duty and getting out of the foxholes and get back into life.”

Did any one else catch the immediate contradiction, the obvious waffling with identity.  Is he a politician?  Is he a concerned citizen? 

Perhaps it's this lack of conviction that led to his miserable performance against Obey in 2008.  As a conservative watching this race unfold I can honestly say that sending Mielke out to do battle against Obey would be one quick ticket to another Obey term. 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Barret: The Disorganized Candidate

When I ran for city council in my community, I had things organized.  I had a system in place for identifying likely voters, I had mailing lists, walking lists and campaign literature neatly stacked and organized.  I even had a website with my cell phone number all over it (and people used it).

Is there any question that a gubernatorial race is a much bigger affair than a city council race?  I would hope not!  But Barret doesn't seem to get that message.  In a WSAU blog post that was shared with me via email it is evident that Barret doesn't have his game together.

The post went on to explain the lengthy search that the news room went through to locate campaign contact information.  They tried searching for Barret on Google and could not find a campaign website.  They tried the yellow pages, other news agencies, and finally they found a phone number.

A phone number... that was all.  No issue statements, no press releases and no information.  No schedules, no addresses for sending contributions to and no hint of a credible campaign to be found anywhere.

If this is how Barret is taking the race, which is well underway, how much attention is he going to afford to the job if he somehow wins the election?  Wouldn't we rather have someone we know is organized and ready for the task?


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Funny Video About Health Care

The following video, while done in jest, adequately sums up the general feeling about Obama in my opinion.

Scott Brown Wins Race for Senate

Last night voters in Massachusetts told Barack Obama where to shove his health care plan by electing Republican Scott Brown to the Senate.  The media is acting like this is a big deal and a huge upset.  I don't know why though - any one with an ounce of common sense knows that if politicians don't represent the way the voters want them to then they are going to get replaced.

Voters are sick of the Democrats disregard for their opinions.  People don't send politicians to Washington to have them ram some mangled piece of legislative excrement down their throats - they send them to Washington to represent them.

The country is finally waking up to the shortcomings of the so-called "Party of Change" that they are starting to take action and do something about it.  If the Democrats don't wake up to reality, and it is a very good chance that they won't, then come November we are going to see a major shift into the right at almost all levels of government.

However, we are not out of the woods yet.  There are still several methods that Democrats can use to continue to undermine the American people on the health care bill.  First, Nancy Pelosi could reverse her position and accept the Senate bill as is.  Second, the Democrats could keep demanding re-counts until they win.  Third, the Democrats could stall the seating of Scott Brown until after the health care bill is passed.

However, I think even the Democrats would realize how much of political suicide either three of those options would be.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Barret Says Jobs Are No. 1 But Won't Give Specifics

Tom Barret, that Democratic runner for the governor's job in Wisconsin, and a member of the same party as Doyle, the governor that failed Wisconsin, has said that job growth is his top priority.  And that is pretty much all he said in an article published on the LaCrosse Tribune.

Great... do you want a cookie Mr. Barret?

Mr. Barret gave few details about he intends to use the governor's office to create more jobs in Wisconsin.  In fact, I think he only gave one details - he's going to give tax credits to companies that create jobs.  Again, the idea is applaudable but there is the other side of the coin that needs to be examined.

Rather than reduce taxes on just the big corporations let's cut government spending.  This will allow taxes to be lowered across the board for both individuals and corporations which will give people more money to spend.  The more money people spend the more the state collects in sales tax revenues.

In fact, the sales tax revenue could more than make up for the difference in income tax revenues.  After all this country does not save well and if we have money we are going to spend it.  

Also, if taxes are reduced across the board companies have more money to invest in growth.  This allows companies to grow at their own pace rather than hire a bunch of people, collect the tax credits and then lay them all off.

I'm Sick of Taxes

The following blog post is a letter I am preparing for the Antigo Daily Journal.  In case they did not publish it I wanted to post it here to make sure that people had the chance to read it.  Post your feedback below.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dear Editor:

I'm sick of taxes.  Furthermore, I'm sick of taxes being raised.  At all levels of government it seems that officials are all to eager to tax us into bankruptcy.  If a politician would offer up a plan to fix the issues with our country, state, county and city without raising our taxes I would be ecstatic.

Raising taxes is an easy way to plug a budget gap.  It allows the politicians to avoid having to make cuts and risk not getting re-elected.  It's also a coward's way of addressing the issues.  Rather than correct the symptoms politicians seem content to hide the symptoms.

Except Scott Walker.  He has the courage to propose budgets and solutions that do not include a tax raise.  In fact, when he was elected Milwaukee County Executive he promised to spend taxpayer dollars as if he was spending his own money... a promise that he has continued to fulfill to this day.

Scott Walker was also able to save almost $200 million in tax payer dollars with his 2010 budget.  This is a significant demonstration of his ability to work hard to find solutions that do not include a tax hike - unlike Democratic challenger Tom Barret.  In fact. Barret's final budget required furlogh days for police officers. 

I don't want a governor that is going to use those kinds of tricks to appear to solve problems.  I want a governor that will bring real solutions to real problems to the table.  I want a governor that will stand by his promises to not raise taxes. 

Jesse Seymour

Why Should Obey Care About Us?

Dave Obey is at it again, this time trying to spend money on a neighborhood in Rhode Island.  Did we elect him back before I was even born to the Representative for Rhode Island?  I guess Wisconsinittes back then thought, "You know, we have plenty of Representatives and Rhode Island could use an extra one.  Let's give them Obey."

You see, our sky rocketing unemployment rate doesn't merit the attention that some struggling neighborhood in Rhode Island does.  That's why Obey went to visit to see how the federal government could spend more money there. 

This is yet another example of how Obey has turned his back on us.  We need to stop giving this guy a job.  Let's pretend that you owned a company and had an employee working for you that was concerned about everything except what you hired him to be worried about.  What would you do?  I would fire the employee and replace him with one that I could trust to focus on the items I want him to focus on.

Well that wayward employee is Obey - and we are his boss.  Nancy Pelosi is not his boss.  President Obama is not his boss.  Harry Reid is not his boss.  We are Obey's boss. 

In my opinion Obey needs to be replaced or retired.  The guy is certainly old enough to retire and nobody wants him around anymore.

Check out this quote from the WSJ:
"The only real opportunity you have to prevent something stupid from happening is to have the protection of the staff who know the most about these programs and can fight something if they think it smells," Mr. Obey told reporters, while trying to explain why he won't be disclosing earmarks in spending bills despite the promises made by Nancy Pelosi while lambasting Republicans last year. Instead, Mr. Obey declared that he and his staff would vet the earmarks themselves and then disclose them all in the Congressional Record some day. --
What that says for those playing the home game is that Rep. Obey and the people he hires, the ones that owe their livelihood to him, not us, will be vetting all expenditures.  And this was posted back on June 13, 2007!

Obviously Obey is out of touch with the job he was hired to do. 

Let's fire him come November and elect a real representative who is not afraid of doing his job.

Let's elect Sean Duffy to Congress.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Obama's Appoints 10 Governors to Military Council

Thanks to for posting this one.  According to the website Obama signed an Executive Order that essentially creates a board of 10 governors, all appointed by Obama, to work with the Federal government to involve the military more in domestic security.

When I first read this my biggest fear was that Obama would appoint all Democrats to the council.  However the executive order (available using the link above) states that no more than 5 governors would be of the same political party. 

Ok, so then we would have 5 Democrat governors and 5 Republican governors.  Of those 5 Republican governors we would probably have 2-3 liberal Republicans and the rest be conservative Republicans keeping conservatives in the mintority.

Further in the order it states that there shall be 2 co-chairs each of different political parties.  Again a liberal Democrat and a liberal Republican would probably be appointed here. 

What about compensation?  Well the Governors would serve without compensation except for travel allowances and per diem expenses.  If this council ever meets in Guam or somewhere really really nice then eyebrows should raise. 

Finally the duties of the council, as according to the order, is to help coordinate military activities between the States and the Federal government including overseeing civil support groups.  Not that the Black Panther voter intimidation scandal was enough but now we will have them serving as a civil security force.

This quote (originally published at really paints a clear picture:
“There is a definite purpose to this,” wrote one commenter on the popular Free Republic website, “The initial steps toward a domestic “Civilian Security Force” in each state, as called for by the fascisti during the campaign. It will be coordinated at the state level, under the authority of DHS and DoD and assorted agencies. The provision will be made for it to be “federalized” in an emergency, as is the National Guard.”

“This is a concrete step toward eliminating the independent authority and dissolving the sovereignty of the several States. It lays the groundwork for the end of the United States as a Republic,” she adds.

The scary part is that I'm not really all that surprised...

Duffy Showing Strong Chance to Unseat Obey

Sean Duffy, a young gun within the Republican party, is set to give Obey a run for his money in November.  Duffy is a young energetic candidate that resonates as well with retired voters as he does with twenty somethings (I should know, being 25 myself).  I've met Sean Duffy during my brief tenure with the Langlade County Republican Party and I have a good feeling if the general election is Obey vs. Duffy.

However, there is still a thorn in the proverbial side of conservatives in Wisconsin's 7th Congressional District.  Daniel Mielke, who was the Republican candidate for Congress in 2008 (and lost by a landslide to Obey), is still insisting he is the best candidate to unseat Obey.

Wait just a minute here.  According to the 2008 election results Dan Mielke failed to win a single county against Obey.  Not even one county said they wanted Dan Mielke over Obey.  Perhaps identity crisis hit and people voted for Obey thinking they were voting for Mielke?  They do look a lot alike you know...

The saying is "If you always do what you have always done than you will always get what you always got".  Do we want Obey to win another election?  NO!  Just in case you missed that here it is again... NO!

So why would we throw a candidate who already had a shot at Obey and couldn't get the job done?  I know in Wisconsin we like to stick with leaders who drop the ball a lot (how else did Doyle win the governor's office and why was Brett Favre our lead quarterback for so long?) but guess what Wisconsin?  A new age is coming.

It's time to for real conservatives to stop sitting by idly and watching politics as usual.  It's time to put some morality, decency and common sense back into the political process.  It's time that Wisconsin, from the Congress to the school board, elect real conservatives who live by real conservative (and Wisconsin) values.

So the primary is on Sept 14th.  Seems like a long time from now but believe me - this is going to be a busy summer as Mielke won't take the hint that nobody wants him.  My name is Jesse Seymour and I endorse Sean Duffy for US Congress.

Democrats Show Contempt for Public Opinion

It's no small secret that the Democrats don't care about public opinion - at least not the current Congressional Democrats or the current occupant of the White House.  Their determination to get a public health care plan pushed through the legislative process in spite of the public being against it is pretty damning evidence.

I've known about this for quite a while.  Democrats didn't fool me.  In fact I even tried to tell people that if Obama won the election they could expect broken promises and an era of government that reminds the older generation of the Carter administration.

But what really bothers me is when people still defend the Democrats to this day.  Wake up people!  They don't represent you - they use you.  Consider this quote from Kristin:

"Russ Feingold isn't listening. Wisconsinites are showing up in droves to Feingold's listening sessions to ask him to vote 'no' on a government health care takeover but he insists we're evenly split on the issue. If Feingold continues to support the current spending bill laden with special interest favors and shrouded with secrecy, he can expect a pink slip in November." –Kristin Ruesch, Republican Party of Wisconsin Communications Director

Some people at least are starting to wake up.  The Midwestern Republican is calling for Sean Duffy to easily beat Dave Obey, the king of the big spenders, in November.  I hope that when Sean Duffy is elected he will insist on open debate and allow the public to voice their opinion in a meaningful way.
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